CUPE Celebrates Library Month

October is Canadian Library Month, a time to celebrate library workers and the vital public services they provide to all Canadians.

See more information about Library Month

Library workers deliver quality programs and services that are at the heart of the community. But library workers face challenges that negatively impact service delivery including reduced funding, program and service cuts, reduced staffing levels, increased workloads, and precarious work. But library workers are fighting back and winning!

Various provincial and municipal governments have tried to slash millions of dollars in library funding in recent years. But successful CUPE campaigns have eliminated the cuts altogether in most cases.

Library workers are also successfully exposing the downside of staffless libraries that require no staff. Staffless libraries hurt quality library services, threaten jobs, and reduce safety and security. CUPE 4948, the Toronto Public Library Workers’ Union, has launched an online campaign available at to combat the threat of staffless libraries.

We encourage all members and locals to celebrate libraries all year-roundCampaign materials include a new bookmark and poster, with our theme Library Workers Bring Your Library to Life, which are available at