Hi Everyone,
The next union meeting most likely will be happening June 24 through Zoom. More details to come.
Below is the latest update from Surinder.
As always please email any concerns to any of the executive.
In Solidarity,
From: Bhogal, Surinder <Sbhogal@surrey.ca>
Sent: June 12, 2020 1:19 PM
Subject: Message from Chief Librarian – Weekly Update
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all keeping safe and healthy. It’s been a busy week and I wanted to share some highlights with you:
- Plans for the takeout service are well underway. Recall notices have been sent out and details are being finalized. A few additional notices may go out in the next few days. Thank you to everyone who has responded back quickly. We anticipate launching the service on Friday June 26.
- Surrey Libraries’ COVID-19 Safety Plan is now posted on the Intranet on the COVID-19 site. A copy was also emailed to all staff earlier this week. The plan is endorsed by the City of Surrey’s Emergency Operations Centre and Fraser Health. Fraser Health commented on what a well-thought out plan this is so kudos to the Health & Safety Committee who helped to create it. The Health & Safety Committee is finalizing the Training Guidelines. Both the plan and training guidelines are ‘living’ documents, and will be updated as new information/public health orders become available. Managers will be training on the plan next week, and each staff will receive training when they start back at the branches.
- Thank you for your questions at the Town Hall last week – there were many! We have almost completed compiling the responses and will share with you early next week.
- We received almost 3000 responses to our Resuming Library Services Survey. Although the survey is open until June 17, the responses indicate our community is keen to start returning materials and borrowing print materials through takeout, however, they are apprehensive about in branch services. We will share the survey results after it closes.
- Thank you to everyone who has completed the Reopening Plans Staff Survey. Your responses will be helpful as we adapt our services while ensuring your safety. Responses are confidential and no personal data or identifying information is being collected. The survey is open until June 17, and results will be shared with staff.
- Finally, recent events around the world have led us to pause and reflect how Surrey Libraries responds to racism. We discussed this at the Ops meeting yesterday, and there will also be a discussion at the next Library Board meeting. Key values and themes in our strategic plan include providing equitable access, being community-focussed, and being inclusive. The Library has taken many actions over the years to encourage more diversity and inclusion, both internally in our workplace, and externally in creating awareness/understanding in our community. We recently shared an anti-racism booklist, and will be posting a storytime with an anti-racism theme. Our Board also endorsed the Canadian Urban Libraries Statement on Race and Social Equality when it was issued in fall 2017, and I have recently reaffirmed our Libraries’ support of this statement. We’ll share more information next week, however, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can do better. Please feel free to discuss with your managers or email me directly .
Wishing you all a safe and dry weekend,