Librarian Transition Q & A

How will I get information about the transition?

Paul (CV), Kevin (SE) and Margo (Casual) have taken positions as Shop Stewards. They will help keep Librarians informed. Questions and concerns can also be directed to the Union Executive at:

Please use personal email accounts, not the Employer’s email. If you wish to get in touch with an individual Shop Steward you can send an email to: requesting they contact you at a personal email address.

Information will also be posted on Branch Union Bulletin Boards. Please check them frequently.

Union Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (none in December, July or August) at 9:20 PM at the Newton Library. You will receive updates and have the opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns.

What will happen to the Rights and Benefits I currently have?

The Librarians elected Carolyn C (CC) to help negotiate a Memorandum of Agreement which will outline Rights and Benefits. It will address things like seniority, benefits, and working conditions. Paul (CV) and Shane (Casual) will be Alternates to sit in on the discussions with Management in addition to the Union Executive. Heading the team will be a CUPE Union Representative who specializes in negotiating transition Agreements.

How long will the transition take?

The Union negotiating team has already had 1 meeting to discuss what needs to be addressed in the Memorandum of Agreement. We have another meeting scheduled for December 5th. Once we are confident that we have our proposals in order, we will begin negotiations with Management. We cannot predict how long this will take, but will keep members informed through Shop Stewards and regular Union Meetings.

Do I have any say in what is negotiated?

Yes. Once the Union and Management have reached an Agreement, the Librarians will be able to vote on whether or not they find the Agreement acceptable. This is called Ratification. As the results only affect Librarians, only Librarians will vote in the Ratification.

Will I have to pay Union Dues?

Yes, all Members of CUPE 402-02 pay Union Dues. Payroll is in the process of adding Librarians to the payroll deductions. We don’t have a date for when this will happen, but will advise Librarians as soon as we know.

Can I negotiate my own deals with Management?

No. The Union is the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all of the Union Members.

CUPE 402-02 – Librarians and Union Certification

I am very happy to announce that the majority of Surrey’s professional librarians have voted in favour of joining us in Local 402-02.

Over the next few months, the Union will be working with Librarians and Administration to create a Memorandum of Agreement that will bridge their working conditions and benefits to our Collective Agreement until December 2020.

I would like to thank Zoe Magnus from CUPE National Organizing, Kelly Kennedy, and some dedicated librarians for all the work they have done over the past few months to make this happen.

On behalf of the Exec and members of CUPE Local 402-02, I would like to say to our new members:
Welcome to 402-02 Surrey Library Workers!

In Solidarity,

Denise Parks
CUPE 402-02 Chair
Surrey Library workers