Canadian Library Month

Hi all…

We are coming to the end of October which is Canadian Library Month.
CUPE represents 22,000 library workers across the country.

Check out these articles from CUPE National and CUPE BC:
Print the poster from the national site and post in your staff room or on your Union board.
I have copies of the book and film lists available if you would some.
Get to know some BC Library workers. (I’m in week 1)

Libraries work because WE do…….

In Solidarity

Leadership Changes

On behalf of the Membership and the Executive of CUPE 402-02, we would like to congratulate our Chief Librarian, Melanie Houlden on her upcoming retirement after 31 years with Surrey Public Library.  Melanie worked her way through the library system in many different capacities such as on-call Librarian, Cataloguer, Branch Manager, Deputy Chief Librarian and most recently as Chief Librarian.  Although we are sad to see her retire, the Executive wishes her nothing but the best for the future.

It was also announced today, that Melanie’s successor is our very own Deputy Chief Librarian, Surinder Bhogal.  The  Executive extends our congratulations to her and is excited to see what the future holds.

Our fondest best wishes to both Melanie and Surinder.