March 18th Update

Hi Everyone,

In these unprecedented times communication is key.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact a member of the executive.

Please pass this email to anyone who needs it.

In Solidarity,

Title: Message from Chief Librarian – March 18, 2020


Created By: Seline Kutan

Created Date: 2020-03-18 4:48:27 PM

News Content:

Message from Chief Librarian – March 18, 2020

Please rest assured that we’re sharing information as we’re getting it. We are working closely with the City, and do not have answers to all your questions. We appreciate your patience as we work through some complex and unique issues.  Here are some things we are working on:

Concerns around handling materials, accepting returns, and accepting deliveries at CS.

The reason we left book returns open is that very little advance notice was given to the public.  We are hearing that materials are still being returned, and we also want there to be tasks for staff to work on. However, we understand staff concerns and want to minimize risks in the workplace.  We are reviewing this and should have more information for you tomorrow.

Options to work remotely

We’re working on options for our staff to work remotely and should be able to share guidelines. Not all positions are suited to remote work so we are reviewing this carefully and will have more information in tomorrow’s update.

System and Branch Projects

We’ve started an inventory of projects to work on in the system and at branches, and remotely – thanks to all of you have brought ideas.

I had a conference call with BC Public Library Directors this afternoon and everyone is dealing with the same issues as us.  It is a time of great uncertainty throughout the world, and many public libraries are working closely with municipal counterparts on our approaches.

I urge you to continue practicing social isolation when at work, and not come in if experiencing flu-like symptoms.  We have been providing daily updates and instructions, and things are changing very rapidly. Please read both the City and Library updates, and talk to your manager or reach out to me if you have any questions.