Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder we are having a meeting on Zoom at 7 pm on June 24.
Below is the weekly update from Surinder.
In Solidarity,
From: Bhogal, Surinder <Sbhogal@surrey.ca>
Sent: June 19, 2020 11:23 AM
Subject: Message from Chief Librarian – weekly update
Hi Everyone,
A few updates this week:
- We received EOC approval to proceed with our takeout plan, and are excited to launch the service on Friday June 26. The service will be available in six town centres: City Centre, Guildford, Newton, Semiahmoo, Cloverdale and Fleetwood. It will be great to be able to offer access to materials and Summer Reading Club support to our community. We have done our best to plan the service and anticipate high demand after the launch, with requests stabilizing after a few weeks This is a new service for us and, like all new services, we will assess and adapt accordingly.
- We look forward to welcoming back about 50 staff to help with the takeout. We also look forward to seeing staff who have been working remotely return to the branches to help launch takeout and support limited online summer programs, focusing on SRC and vulnerable groups. You have done such a terrific job serving our community through our online programs and services.
- Thank you to the Health and Safety Committee for assessing each worksite that staff will be returning to, to ensure compliance with WorkSafeBC. All staff will receive training on new safety protocols and procedures upon their return. It will be important for each of us to take responsibility in creating a safe workplace, including practicing physical distancing, hand hygiene, and not reporting to work if sick.
- Staff Survey – thank you to everyone who completed the staff survey. We are still reviewing results and will share the report with you next week.
- Public Survey on Resuming Services – we received over 3200 responses on our public survey and they generally support the Library’s phased approach to reopening. Details of the survey responses are available in the June Board Agenda package which is posted here.
Stay safe and healthy,
Tel: 604.598.7304 Email: sbhogal@surrey.ca