Hi Everyone,
The next scheduled Union meeting for April 15 will not happen. The elections that were to occur during that meeting will happen the next time that we can have a meeting.
As always, please send any questions to the executive.
In solidarity,
Below are recent updates sent out by Library Management.
Message to Regular Union Staff using earned banks following the April 26 wage protection period end date:
We want to remind you that after the wage protection period date (April 26, 2020) staff have the option of using their earned leave banks (i.e. vacation, supplemental vacation or stats banked). Your Record of Employment (ROE) will not be issued until after the last day you are paid, including the number of hours you have requested to use from your leave banks (e.g. – May 1, 2020 as opposed to April 26).
Please submit your Request for Leave form using your earned banked time to your manager by Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at the latest.
As per the Workforce Adjustment Agreement FAQ dated April 3, to see how much vacation you could use after April 26,2020, please use the formula below:
Your entitlement will be based on your current year’s vacation entitlement prorated up to the date of layoff. In most cases this will be just under 1/3 of your annual entitlement.
For example, using your most recent pay statement:
Annual vacation entitlement: 140 hrs
Multiply by prorated factor based on April 26 date: .3225
= prorated vacation: 45.15 hours
Deduct vacation taken: 15 hours
Prorated vacation balance available to extend: 30.15 hours
Supplementary Vacation is already earned and does not require prorating.
The leave must be used consecutively according to your schedule, without any breaks.
Reminder that that you will not be accumulating vacation during the lay off period.
Please contact your manager, Melanie Reynolds (melanie.reynolds@surrey.ca) or Marie Deane (medeane@surrey.ca) at Library Administration if you have any specific questions.
10350 University Drive, Surrey, BC, Canada V3T 4B8
T 604.598.7303 | www.surreylibraries.ca
Dear Casual Staff and Circulation Services Clerks,
We are mindful that your layoff date is approaching on April 12. This is a regrettable situation being faced by many near and far. We hope you have the information you need to find financial and other supports during this time.
If you have any questions during your layoff period, contact our HR Manager, Mandy Sangha, msangha@surrey.ca or 604-598-7415. Keep your contact information up to date with us, and remember, you will still have access to your Library email account, Peoplesoft and the City Intranet, where the latest City and Library developments will be posted.
Thank you for your service to Surrey Libraries. We’re eagerly looking forward to the day when we can reopen our libraries, bring staff back to work and resume all our wonderful services to the community. Let’s all hope that day comes sooner rather than later.
Please take care, stay well, and keep in touch.
Your Senior Leadership Team
Surinder Bhogal, Chief Librarian
Kristen Andrews, Director, Public Services
Michael Ho, Director, Administrative Services
Seline Kutan, Director, Marketing and Communications