April 22 Meeting link and April 15 Update

Hi Everyone,

We will be having a meeting through Zoom next week. Below is the invite to the meeting.

Cupe402-02 Chair is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Wed April 22 @ 4:30Email any executive member for the link

CUPE 402-02 Chair
Surrey Library workers
Hope to see you there,
Also, below is the latest update from Surinder.

Hi Everyone,


I hope you were able to spend some days of rest with your nearest and dearest this past long weekend.


The Library and Union continue to meet regularly to implement the workforce adjustment agreement reached on March 25. We wished a sad farewell to our casual staff and clerks on April 12, and will be sorry to see many of our regular staff go April 26. I want to stress that these layoffs are by no way a reflection of our amazing staff and the wonderful service you bring to our community. The actions are driven by unique circumstances created by COVID-19 globally and within our City.  The City is forecasting a loss of $40 million by the end of the year as a result of the pandemic. Further, since the branches closed, work is dwindling for many of our staff, as the Library has focussed on providing essential services.


Initially, 7 staff were retained to support essential services – the website, social media, google project, card registration, and e-book cataloguing  (Beth Larssen, Tracy Hetherington, Shawn Feddes, Cassidy Foxtrot, Rajinder Bains, Paulette Hembroff, Eilleen McMillan).  As the pandemic continues, the Library would like to expand online offerings to continue to assist our community and provide more opportunities for employment for our staff.  I’m pleased to announce that the Library and Union reached an agreement to retain an additional 14 regular staff. These individuals will  host live or pre-recorded online programs such as storytimes, virtual book chats, readers advisory, newcomer conversation circles, tech help by appointment, etc. In addition, they will support email and telephone reference, ordering and processing new e-book material, print orders for the Clayton Library and other system projects as required.


The staff have been selected as stipulated in the workforce adjustment agreement. The following staff, based on their position and seniority, have agreed to remain to focus on our digital offerings. Some staff with more seniority opted to decline.


  • 5 Public Services Staff – Youth:  Jennie Castleton, Leslee Gawthrop, Ginny Aho,  Susan Andrews, Linda Jones
  • 5 Public Services Staff – Adult: Tania Tong, Deanna Scott, Renee Zolinski-Ward, Cecilia Roberts, Sandra Cole (also back-up for website/social media)
  • 3 Collection Services Staff – Mariya Yang, Ellen Wu, Sarjinder Basra
  • 1 website/social media coordinator: Cortney Taylor


We are still uncertain when the Library is able to safely reopen its branches. The Libraries will reopen based on direction from the City’s Emergency Operations Centre and the Library Board, which will be guided by advice from public health officials. Even when we reopen, physical distancing measures and other COVID-19 protocols will need to be in place to ensure the safety of our staff and community until a cure/vaccine is discovered. Hence, we will continue to monitor and expand our online services, and may be able to recall more staff later to assist.


I am available to attend some of your branch/department meetings over the next few days to respond to any questions. Also, please feel free to email me directly.





Tel: 604.598.7304  Email: sbhogal@surrey.ca


Discover something new at Surrey Libraries!


Surrey Libraries recognizes that our work takes place on the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territories of the SEMYOME (Semiahmoo),  q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), q̓ʷɑ:n̓ƛ̓ən̓ (Kwantlen), qiqéyt (Qayqayt), xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) First Nations and on the ancestral and traditional territory of the sc̓əwaθən məsteyəxʷ (Tsawwassen) First Nation.


April 9 – Update and Meeting News

Hi Everyone,

The next scheduled Union meeting for April 15 will not happen. The elections that were to occur during that meeting will happen the next time that we can have a meeting.

As always, please send any questions to the executive.

In solidarity,

Below are recent updates sent out by Library Management.

Message to Regular Union Staff using earned banks following the April 26 wage protection period end date:

We want to remind you that after the wage protection period date (April 26, 2020) staff have the option of using their earned leave banks (i.e. vacation, supplemental vacation or stats banked).  Your Record of Employment (ROE) will not be issued until after the last day you are paid, including the number of hours you have requested to use from your leave banks (e.g. – May 1, 2020 as opposed to April 26).

Please submit your Request for Leave form using your earned banked time to your manager by Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at the latest.

As per the Workforce Adjustment Agreement FAQ dated April 3, to see how much vacation you could use after April 26,2020, please use the formula below:

Your entitlement will be based on your current year’s vacation entitlement prorated up to the date of layoff. In most cases this will be just under 1/3 of your annual entitlement.
For example, using your most recent pay statement:
Annual vacation entitlement: 140 hrs
Multiply by prorated factor based on April 26 date: .3225
= prorated vacation: 45.15 hours
Deduct vacation taken: 15 hours
Prorated vacation balance available to extend: 30.15 hours

Supplementary Vacation is already earned and does not require prorating.

The leave must be used consecutively according to your schedule, without any breaks.

Reminder that that you will not be accumulating vacation during the lay off period.

Please contact your manager, Melanie Reynolds (melanie.reynolds@surrey.ca) or Marie Deane (medeane@surrey.ca) at Library Administration if you have any specific questions.

10350 University Drive, Surrey, BC, Canada V3T 4B8
T 604.598.7303 | www.surreylibraries.ca

Dear Casual Staff and Circulation Services Clerks,

We are mindful that your layoff date is approaching on April 12. This is a regrettable situation being faced by many near and far. We hope you have the information you need to find financial and other supports during this time.

If you have any questions during your layoff period, contact our HR Manager, Mandy Sangha, msangha@surrey.ca or 604-598-7415.  Keep your contact information up to date with us, and remember, you will still have access to your Library email account, Peoplesoft and the City Intranet, where the latest City and Library developments will be posted.

Thank you for your service to Surrey Libraries. We’re eagerly looking forward to the day when we can reopen our libraries, bring staff back to work and resume all our wonderful services to the community. Let’s all hope that day comes sooner rather than later.

Please take care, stay well, and keep in touch.


Your Senior Leadership Team

Surinder Bhogal, Chief Librarian
Kristen Andrews, Director, Public Services
Michael Ho, Director, Administrative Services
Seline Kutan, Director, Marketing and Communications

Canadian Emergency Response Benefit – Information

Hi Everyone,

Below is information about the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit from our CUPE representative.

In Solidarity,

Hi everyone,

CUPE Research has drafted an overview on the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). Please see below to pass along to members. This may be an ideal option for members who do not have many shifts and/or auxiliary members. The application portal will be ready on Monday April 6.

Note: It is important that Employers indicate ‘shortage of work’ on ROEs

Overview of the CERB:

This income support is designed for individuals who have lost their income because of COVID-19 and also for those can’t work due to illness, quarantine, need to take care of others that are ill, or child care responsibility. How the government describes this:

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit is available to those who stop working for reasons related to COVID-19 or are eligible for Employment Insurance regular or sickness benefits. Examples of stopping to work could include but are not limited to:

  • You have been let go from your job or your hours have been reduced to zero;
  • You are in quarantine or sick due to COVID-19;
  • You are away from work to take care of others because they are in quarantine, sick due to COVID-19; and/or
  • You are away from work to take care of children or other dependents whose care facility is closed due to COVID-19.

The CERB will pay out $2,000 per month for up to four months, backdated to March 15. The benefit is available March 15 to October 3, 2020. The benefit will not be taxed at source but will have to be reported on your 2020 taxes. There is no waiting period, if you sign up for direct deposit you should receive payment in 3-5 days, and if you opt for a cheque you should receive payment in 10 days.
For the initial four-week period you will have to prove you had no employment income for at least 14 consecutive days, moving forward you will have to have zero employment income for the full four-weeks. You have to re-apply for every four-week period.
If employees are applying for the CERB due to illness, quarantine, need to take care of other who are sick, or child care responsibility (a circumstance where they may want to return to work before the pandemic ends, aka. don’t have child care and then later secure child care and want to return to work) they should first check their CA and determine what access they have to leaves, and/or pursue an unpaid leave but should retain their employment.

If employees are applying for this because they have lost work/have no work due to COVID-19 they do not need an ROE. So if they are still employed but not working they are eligible. Individuals are also eligible if they have been laid off. (*note: it is my understanding Legal will have some further recommendations around considerations for recall periods.)

If members have already applied for EI, if they became eligible for EI regular or sickness benefits on March 15th or onward, their claim will be automatically processed through the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. (and if members are EI eligible after the 16-weeks, they can return to EI.)

Updated Q&A from CUPE on the CERB here, info on CERB application here, info on Emergency Wage Subsidy here.

Jeanne Marr
Canadian Union of Public Employees

National Servicing Representative/Library Coordinator
British Columbia Regional Office
6222 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, BC  V5H 0G3

Cell: 250-572-2605

This communication and all attachments are intended only for the addressee and are confidential.  If you receive this communication in error, please notify me immediately and delete. Thank you.

April 1 Update

Send your concerns or questions to any member of the executive 

Denise Parks — cupe40202chair@mail.com
Eileen McMillan — cupe40202vicechair@mail.com
Raqiya M.Khan– cupe40202secretary@mail.com
Jan Parker — cupe40202css@mail.com
Sandra Cole — cupe40202saa@mail.com
Colin Epp — cupe40202mal@mail.com

Below is the information that was sent out by management today.

A new page is added to the system sub-site of surrey library citynet.

Title: Chief Librarian’s Message – April 1, 2020

URL: https://citynet.surrey.ca/departments/libraries/system/Pages/Chief-Librarian’s-Message—April-1%2C-2020.aspx

Created By: Seline Kutan

Created Date: 2020-04-01 5:07:47 PM

News Content:

April 1 Message from Chief Librarian

Hi Everyone,

Since the temporary Workforce Adjustment Agreement was reached with the Union on March 25, we have been receiving many questions from you. I understand the stress and anxiety our staff are going through.

I want to reiterate that the layoffs are temporary. You are valued employees of Surrey Libraries and our goal is to have you back in your roles as soon as possible after this pandemic crisis has passed.

As we mentioned in earlier communications and in the Workforce Adjustment Agreement, some unionized staff will be retained to support online library services. Some are being retained because of their specialized skills and some because of their role and seniority. The following staff have accepted the offer to continue in their roles to support the following areas:

Cassidy Foxcroft Google IT Support Certificate Program
Tracy Hetherington Graphic design, marketing, social media
Beth Larssen Backup for Google IT Support Certificate Program, social media, website, IS digital services
Shawn Feddes Website maintenance, Bibliocommons, social media
Eileen McMillan Collections Services work
Rajinder Bains Circulation work
Paulette Hembroff Circulation work


We are still considering whether to retain other staff to assist with online programming and will communicate any decisions to that regard as soon as we have more information.

Please continue to work safely from home and stay connected with each other and your managers. We are all adapting to this global crisis and the disruption it has caused in our daily lives. It can be challenging to work from home.  You may find the article below helpful.


Please continue to send questions related to the Workforce Adjustment Agreement to Mandy Sangha, Manager of Human Resources: msangha@surrey.ca and we will make our best effort to respond as soon as we can.

Thank you,

Surinder Bhogal

Chief Librarian, Surrey Libraries