July 29 Update

Hi Everyone,

Here is the latest update from Surinder.

Reminder we are having a Health and Safety Meeting on Tuesday at 7 pm.  Send any H&S related questions to me at cupe40202saa@mail.com

As always, please send any questions to any members of the union executive.

In Solidarity,


From: Bhogal, Surinder <Sbhogal@surrey.ca>
Sent: 29-Jul-20 4:32 PM
Subject: Message from Chief Librarian: Planning for Level 3 and Activities Report

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all keeping safe and healthy.  I’m away again this Friday and wanted to send a quick update for your interest:

July 27 Town Hall

Thank you to all those that were able to join, and apologies for the tech issues. City of Surrey IT has posted has a page for MS Teams on CityNet which includes troubleshooting tips. Much of the problem-solving needs to happen on a case-by-case basis so I encourage you to call the Help-Desk with tech issues. If you were accessing from an iPhone or iPad, apparently there is currently a global issue with MS Teams on iOS devices and Microsoft is working to resolve it. We will compile the questions and post the Q&A for your reference later next week.

Level 3 Planning

The  Labour Management Committee continues to meet weekly, and the Health & Safety Committee has also been meeting to plan for reopening branches on September 9.

  • Safety Plan is almost complete and includes review by Library H+ S committee,  City Risk, City OHS and Fraser Health. We still have a few more revisions and plan to share it with all staff by the end of next week.
  • Branch managers are working with Facilities to prepare spaces – occupancy levels calculated; installing plexiglass on service desks; scheduling H+S committee walkthroughs to review WorkSafe BC checklist
  • Recall letters sent to 60 staff, with return to work date of September 1.
  • Schedules and staff training plans underway.

Library Activities Data

We are required to report library activity levels to the EOC. I’ve included this week’s report below for your interest as we have some impressive numbers!  Kudos to the team who pulled this report template together very quickly – you know who you are! J


Takeout Service – offered at 6 library locations from Tuesday-Saturday.  4,645 requests processed and 27,414 physical items borrowed in 21 days of service.

Jun 26 – Jul 4 198 188 195 241 237 389 1448
Jul 5 – 11 158 121 166 183 189 282 1099
Jul 12 – 18 177 128 151 187 176 213 1032
Jul 19 – 25 157 102 148 206 188 265 1066
Total 690 539 660 817 790 1149 4645


Phone Calls – daily calls have increased to an average of 192 phone calls per days open from 181 phone calls per days open from previous week, over triple the daily average prior to the takeout launch.


Jun 26- Jul 4 92 92 118 101 150 158 711
Jul 5- 11 150 143 88 117 178 243 919
Jul 12- 18 160 111 120 118 184 213 906
Jul 19 – 25 237 57 111 131 199 223 958
Total 639 403 437 467 711 837 3494


Email Service –Patrons send questions directly to libraryinfo@surrey.ca  or through a ‘Contact Us’ web form. Since June 26, the library has responded to 2201 messages, an average of 105 emails per day.

Online Programs

Due to COVID-19 and subsequent closures, the library launched online programs to address social isolation, promote connections in the community, while continuing to advance strategic objectives.  Programs include pre-recorded videos hosted on YouTube and ‘live’ programs with registration through MS Teams.  Programs for youth include story times, sensory activities, homework tips, STEM activities and book clubs. Adult programs include English Conversation Circles, Literature Club for Seniors, book chats, and online presentations for community partners. Programs were scaled back in July to prioritize takeout service launch.

YouTube Video Views

June 5: 3,000

July 14: 19,468

July 20: 20,278 (537 views in the past week)

Ebook Usage

Checkouts 2019 2020
February         37,884         43,587
March         41,602         52,266
April         40,194         64,247
May         40,655         70,496
June         40,982         66,076

New Users 2019 2020
February              533              569
March              563           1,202
April              545           1,946
May              526           1,048
June              556              897

New users = users new to the service who borrow or place a hold for the first time

Unique Users 2019 2020
February           7,489           8,840
March           7,771        10,166
April           7,738        11,976
May           7,827        11,879
June           7,864        11,253

Unique users = number of distinct different users who borrow, place a hold, or make a request (i.e. if I borrow 4 items it will only be counted as 1 unique user)

Thank you all for your great service in these trying times. Wishing you a safe and happy long weekend!



Health and Safety – Phase 3 Discussion

Hi Everyone,

The union side of the health and safety committee is planning on having a meeting next week to focus on questions from you and have a discussion about the third level of the safety plan. Please send any questions to Sandra at cupe40202saa@mail.com

Here are the details for the meeting:

Tuesday, August 4 at 7 pm – Link to be sent through email list.

In Solidarity,



July 17 Update

Hi Everyone,

Below is a message that was sent today by Surinder. In her email, she attached the level 3 recovery plan. To access the plan you will need to log into your work email.

Another reason to check your work email is that recall notices are being sent to staff starting today.

As always, please send any questions to any members of the union executive.

In Solidarity,

From: Bhogal, Surinder <Sbhogal@surrey.ca>
Sent: 17-Jul-20 9:30 AM
Subject: Message from Chief Librarian: September Reopening and next Town Hall

Hi Everyone,

September Reopening

We are targeting Wednesday September 9 to reopen our branches, with limited hours and limited services. More details can be found in the attached Recovery Plan, also available on the intranet, here.  Please note this is a high level plan, and many details are still to be worked out (e.g. Port Kells service, Monday openings, CLC access, etc.)  These decisions will be made over the next few weeks in consultation with supervisors and staff. Procedures and training documents are also being developed, and the  Surrey Libraries Safety Plan is being updated.  We have the benefit of learning from neighbouring libraries that are reopening, and adapt processes to Surrey’s needs.

Town Hall

The next Town Hall is planned for Monday July 27, 5:30-6:30pm. We wanted to schedule a time that minimized operations, and could be attended by both employed and laid-off staff. Melanie Reynolds will send out a meeting invite, and attendance is optional. If you have questions for the Town Hall after reviewing the plan, please send them to Melanie by Thursday July 23.

COVID Information

Excellent resources, including EFAP & mental health supports such as ‘Not myself today’, are available on COVID-19 update for city staff.  Library- specific information, including reopening and safety plans, are available on the Intranet here.


Staying Safe

As more businesses and services reopen, and the number of confirmed cases grow in BC, it is important to not let your guard down. We each need to be responsible and take precautions, both in the workplace and after hours. Please continue your good work in washing hands frequently,  practicing social distancing and wearing a mask when you cannot maintain a 2 metre distance from others. Do not come to work if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.  To quote Dr. Bonnie Henry, ‘If the virus is anywhere, the risk is everywhere’, and we must all do our part to keep ourselves and each other safe.

I hope you are all keeping well. Please note, I’m on vacation next week and look forward to connecting with many of you on July 27.

Thank you,



July 10 Update

Hi all,
There is good news in the update from Surinder about increase services at Surrey Libraries starting in September.
The Union is working with management to ensure adequate staffing levels and safe procedures as we welcome patrons back into our branches.
We are pleased to hear that more members will be recalled by the end of this month with time for those to prepare before returning to work.
We have scheduled a Zoom meeting on Thu July 23 for updates and Q&A.
Link is available through email (please email a member of the executive)
Please send any questions to Denise/Raqiya by Tue Jul 21. there will also be time to take questions from the chat during the meeting.
Social distancing and safety measures are working well in BC and I feel confident as we move forward to opening things slowly.
take care of yourselves and your families. stay healthy, stay safe. reach out if you need some help.
In Solidarity, on behalf of your local Executive
CUPE 402-02 Chair
Surrey Library workers

From: Bhogal, Surinder <Sbhogal@surrey.ca>
Sent: July 10, 2020 8:45 AM
Subject: Message from Chief Librarian: Reopening Plans IMPORTANT

Hi Everyone,

I’m excited to share that planning for reopening ALL our branches after Labour Day is underway. Please see details below, and also other important information for currently employed and temporarily laid-off staff:

Reopening Branches after Labour Day

We are optimistic that we can reopen all 9 branches after Labour Day. Tentative date, still to be finalized, is Wednesday September 9. We will be able to recall more regular staff, while meeting the targeted savings amount set to help with the City’s forecast shortfall. We are drafting a service delivery plan including safety considerations.  We propose limited opening hours (tbd)  with no service on Sunday.  Patrons will have access to the computers and limited browsing. We will ensure plexi-glass barriers are installed where necessary, and encourage ‘short’ visits to maintain safe occupancy levels. There will be no in-branch  programs, and no access to meeting rooms or study rooms. The Labour Management Committee met on July 8 to start preliminary discussions. Our aim is to send a recall notice to more regular full time and part time staff by the end of July/early August with a work start date in early September. We understand staff may have to arrange childcare or care for elderly, and want to provide as much notice as possible. At this point, unfortunately, clerks or casual staff will not be recalled.

Public Survey

We received feedback from the Union that our public survey excluded certain segments of the community, such as new Canadians, single parents, and elderly residents from low income backgrounds with no computer access. The public survey is important to understand community feedback, but it is only one piece of information to inform our reopening plans. In rolling out the survey, we considered how to reach non-English speakers and those without computer access. We contemplated working with our non-profit partners; however, the logistics, pandemic safety considerations, and limited staffing to assist made it challenging. Our survey report to the Board acknowledges that “only those with access to technology, and those fluent in English could respond.”  Patrons without computers have been phoning us and the needs of these community members have also been shared by our non-profit partners, who we have continued to work with throughout the pandemic.

Chief Librarian Town Hall

We are working on a date for the next Chief Librarian Town Hall.  Others members of the Senior Leadership Team may participate in responding to your questions (so you don’t get bored of me talking at you for an hour!). We are trying to pick a time that will be convenient for both employed and laid-off staff. Please stay tuned.

Takeout Service

I had an opportunity to visit all branches that launched the Takeout Service. It was wonderful to connect with staff and see you working together to prepare orders for our patrons.  I’d like to thank everyone who worked very hard to get this service up and running and to all of you who are enthusiastically filling the orders. We have learnt that the current model is fairly labour-intensive, and we will continue modify the workflow and processes, based on your feedback.  Overall, the comments have been positive and I wanted to share a note I received from  a satisfied patron:


“I am writing to place on record my deep appreciation of the Surrey Libraries’ efforts to provide service during the COVID19 pandemic. Despite the non-availability of Physical Books I had reading materials available continuously through Overdrive and this included recent Bestsellers.  Other services specifically to deal with the social distancing norms have also been very useful and i have availed of the Gale courses. Now, that the take away service is available we can get the books we know and love in Physical form:-) The staff is going way beyond the call of duty to make the curbside take away work and I’m thankful to them.”


I’d like to echo my appreciation  of our staff. The last few weeks have been immensely challenging and I’m so impressed with how we have come together to serve our community in uncertain times, not always know the right answers or best approaches, but being open to figuring things out together – and being supportive to each other throughout the process.


I’d like to conclude that although reopenings are happening, global cases are on the rise, including daily record-breaking numbers in our closest neighbour, the U.S.  The numbers in BC are also creeping up with 20 new cases reported yesterday. We need to continue to exercise caution. Please remember the 3 ‘C’s – CLOSE, CLOSED and CROWDED.  Keep 2 metres apart from each other, limit being in small closed spaces indoors, and limit your time in crowded spaces.  Practice frequent handwashing and cleaning of surfaces. Do not come to work if you are experiencing symptoms.  COVID-19 is with us until a vaccine or cure is found, and it is each of our responsibility to  adapt our behaviours to keep ourselves and each other safe.






Library Administration

10350 University Drive, Surrey, BC, Canada V3T 4B8

Information from Meeting

Hi Everyone,

Last night we had a zoom meeting for questions. During that time Denise mentioned some resources.

RCMP – Keep RCMP in Surrey – a place for signs and remember to keep away from the road as bylaws have been instructed to remove signs from any city property including the easement on private property.

EI info – here is the link to any information regarding employment insurance

CUPE BC Library campaign – CUPE BC is starting a campaign to fully fund libraries. Please visit the site and also share it.

If you know of someone who is not the email list, please send an email to cupe40202saa@mail.com to be added.

In Solidarity,